Your Support Has Helped Jordan Receive New Hope
In the Ugandan Village of Ndagga, there is a 6-year-old boy named Jordan. Like many in their village, Jordan’s parents both became infected with HIV. When Jordan was 2 months old, he lost both of his parents to AIDS.
Jordan’s grandfather took him in, but soon discovered that Jordan was also infected with HIV. With no money to provide medicine, Jordan’s Grandfather has been trying to help treat the disease with local herbs and remedies.
Thanks to your generous support, Fountain of Life has been able to provide life saving medicine for Jordan, and other children like him. Your support has also given Jordan new hope by allowing him to attend school. In Uganda, less than 25% of children ever go onto secondary school; many are forced to drop out before they even turn 13. Jordan, and the other children at Fountain of Life, have teachers who are invested in their lives, and your support gives them the opportunity of having an education — something many children in Uganda still do not have access to.
Jordan is now also receiving proper nutrition, and clean water through Fountain of Life. The school is able to provide him with two meals per day. This not only helps with his health and medical treatment, but with food being scarce at home, it helps to lift the burden from his grandfather as well.
This year, in addition to Jordan, there are over 125 children like Jordan who have been able to receive assistance through Fountain of Life. These children are given access to:
Clean Water
Medical Care
Clothing and School Supplies
These children are given a new hope, and a new future. Your support is giving a generation of children like Jordan a chance to thrive.