Your Help Needed: Building a Secondary SchoolAs you may know, we started our school in Ndagga with first and second grade in 2014 and constructed a primary school building in 2015. Our first 2nd grade students in 2014 are now in 7th grade, which is the last grade of the primary school. This means we must build a secondary school this year so our 7th graders can continue their education next year! In Uganda, secondary school has six grades (8 through 13). The first four years are the same for all students, but the last two years are split into two tracks, academic and vocational. With the opening of a secondary school, we must hire ten additional teachers to teach various subjects. Our immediate need, therefore, is the construction of: the secondary school building itself, which must include not only regular classrooms but also, at the very least, a library with computer workstations, a faculty office, and a laboratory. 5 additional teachers’ housing units All of this will obviously require a lot of money. We may proceed with the secondary school project in two phases depending on our funding ability.
Below are pictures of the school’s recent expansion efforts made possible by FOL donors. This included the building of a new Auditorium/Church, plus a front gate and campus perimeter fence as safety features. Your support is making a real difference!