“I Want To Help” – Conversations in UgandaOn our April trip to Uganda, we had a life-changing conversation. It had been a hard day. We had just returned from seeing some of the children’s homes, and many of our team were heartbroken over the poverty and massive task before us. While we were getting ready for dinner, a few of us met a young man who was working at our hotel to earn money for his tuition at the University. He was studying to become a vet, a career in Uganda that means he would have incredible opportunity. With this job, he could move to a big city, and create a new life for himself, and his future family. He wouldn’t need to worry about money, and because livestock is a major source of income in Uganda, he would have incredible job security. He also could leave the challenges and poverty of village life behind him. However, when we asked this young man what he planned to do with his degree, his eyes grew misty. We were blown away by his response. Here he had the whole world at his fingertips, and he wanted to make a difference and create positive change! Not run from those in need – but invest his time, resources, and talents into making his home and his country BETTER. Sometimes, it can seem like what we do isn’t making a difference, or that the problems in Uganda are just too big. But this conversation changed all of that. This is what it’s about. Training the next generation – and having them be the driving force of change in Uganda. Getting to see it happening in front of us that day was the lift we needed. While our kids are not yet at the age to attend University, without your support they would never get that chance. Your gifts ARE creating change. And we know that because of your generosity, there will be a new generation in Uganda that can create change, and rise above poverty. Kari Trent |