Our Uganda School TeachersWe started the school two years ago with two teachers, and we now have seven highly qualified, dedicated teachers. Our teachers undergo a rigorous continuing education program provided by educational consultants from Kampala who come to our campus regularly to update the school on the latest curriculum requirements. The impact of the education our students in Ndagga are receiving is unmistakable, and we are excited to wonder how many of these kids will grow up to become game changers in their community.
This month, in the U.S. we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Day. While Uganda doesn’t have that same holiday, we wanted to take a moment to thank and celebrate the amazing teachers at our school in Uganda who are giving their lives to change and encourage their students. The quality of education we provide to your sponsored children is vitally important to us.
Thank You Teacher Steven! Teacher Steven knows the name of every child in the village of Ndagga, Uganda, even those who cannot yet attend school. While that is impressive on its own, Teacher Steven takes it a step further. He also knows the location of where each and every kid in the village lives. While many do not have permanent housing, this is an incredible and heart-warming feat. Teacher Steven tries to visit each kid once a month, and provide hope and encouragement where he can. |