Be the AnswerTo celebrate my birthday, I chose to partner with Fountain of Life Foundation. Instead of people buying gifts for me, I encouraged them to consider making a donation to go toward buying sports equipment for the school students in the Ndagga village. At first I questioned whether this was the best use of funds, but when I saw how much happiness and excitement the equipment brought the kids, I knew it was worth it. Here is the video I made to show my generous friends and family the impact that they helped make, as well as to help spread the word that doing good in the world can be fun and easy. Often times we see a need in the world and question where God is and why He’s not doing something to help. I hope this video encourages us to consider that perhaps God has called us to be that answer. Rather than sitting back and waiting for change, may we ask ourselves what we can to do be the hands and feet of Jesus. Kathleen Eun |
More Photos of the Donated Sports Equipment: