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Uganda Mission Update

Dear Friends,
In this special edition of the Fountain of Life newsletter, we are writing with an update on the latest developments in Uganda along with pictures so that you can see how FOL is transforming the village of Ndagga. As you look at these pictures, please keep in mind that our school opened only a year ago.

May 2015 Visit to School in Uganda
As you may be aware, another FOL team visited our school in Ndagga village about three months ago. It was an extraordinary experience for each of the team members, especially those who had never been to Africa before.
Connecting & Ministering to the Students
During our visit, we were able to spend time with our students in the classrooms and outside on the playground. We distributed books and other supplies to the students, visited some of them in their homes, and conducted a medical clinic.
Gratitude from the People of Ndagga
The people of Ndagga have asked us to relay a message of gratitude to each of you for giving them the gift of love. They find it difficult to comprehend that people who do not know them and who live on the other side of the world would care about them and their needs.

Much has been accomplished over the last year, but much more needs to be done. Furnishing the classrooms and school offices and building a medical clinic and additional teacher quarters are two of several projects we will focus on next.

We are so very grateful for the support of friends like you who make all of this progress possible by supporting FOL. With your help, we can continue to bring about a lasting transformation in this village one child at a time, one day at a time. Thank you again for making a difference in the world!


Paul H Eun
Board Chair/CEO
Fountain of Life Foundation