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A Note from Our CEO

Dear Friends,
I am writing to first thank you for your continued support, for you are making a huge difference in the work we are doing. I would also like to take the opportunity to introduce our first newsletter, and show you first hand what your support means to Fountain of Life (FOL).

Fulfilling Our Mission
When we started FOL three years ago, our mission was to make a difference in our community and beyond. Our goal was to become a hands-on organization, and partner with those we serve. We felt that by combining our efforts with the talents and resources that the people in the community already possess, we could create lasting change.

Three years in, I am happy to report that not only are we meeting these goals, there are exciting new developments to share.

Local Projects
Food Distribution

Volunteers help distribute food to families in need
In the first couple of years, we focused our efforts mainly on local projects such as the distribution of free groceries in Auburn and Federal Way. We also adopted a number of elementary schools in these areas to provide needy students with school supplies, uniforms, and Christmas presents.

These projects are still going strong. Our monthly grocery distribution program is now able to serve 300-400 people fresh produce, dairy, and meat items every month. We are also busy getting ready for another school year, and determining the current needs of each school that we support.

International Projects
Village in Uganda

Transforming a Village in Uganda

Village in Uganda

FOL’s School in Uganda

Students Learning @ FOL's School

Students learning at FOL’s School
In addition to these local projects, I am excited to tell you about some new developments that extend beyond our local community. Earlier this year, we decided to take on our first international project when a tremendous opportunity opened up to transform a whole village in rural Uganda.

In partnership with a local nonprofit group in Uganda called Canaan International Outreach Ministries, we purchased 14 acres of land where we have since started a school. We built a primitive, temporary structure that currently functions as a classroom, and we have hired three teachers. In addition to education, we provide school supplies, uniforms, and books for each child, and we feed our students two meals each day. There is also a nurse practitioner who comes to the school once a week to provide basic medical care for the children.

There are currently 125 students enrolled in our school, and more than 150 kids are still waiting to join. In fact, many children who are not enrolled come to the school anyway, and our teachers have a hard time turning them away. Whenever possible, the teachers provide these children with meals and allow them to participate in the classes alongside the enrolled students. As you might imagine, it is our great hope to have the resources to support all children who wish to enroll in the school, and this is one of the goals we are currently trying to meet.

In addition to the school, we are in the process of converting part of the property we purchased into a farm where we can grow food for the villagers, and surplus produce can be sold in the market to bring in more funds for the school. Ultimately, we envision a self-sustaining community, so we have started asking students’ parents and other villagers to donate their time and contribute to this farm project anyway they can.

Child Sponsorship Program
Child Sponsorship Program

Child Sponsorship Program
Finally, in early June of this year, we launched a child sponsorship campaign to help children in this village, and many of you are now sponsoring one or more children. To date, we have about 125 kids who have been sponsored, and we are extremely grateful to each of you for your partnership with us in this endeavor. We are continuing our campaign to have as many of the children in the village sponsored as possible so that they can receive the education that is so needed in order to change the future of this community.

At the same time, we are turning our attention to the urgent need for more buildings on the school grounds. Our top priority is to build teachers’ quarters and school bathrooms. Currently, our teachers are staying with families in the village, but this arrangement is temporary, and we must move the teachers to their own quarters on our property as soon as possible. Plans for this initial building project have been approved by our board of directors, and the board itself will largely fund this project.

Once again, thank you for your support. With your contributions, we have been able to not only meet our initial goals but have also been able to plan and carry out new projects that directly help many lives in need both in our local community and around the world.


With gratitude,
Paul H Eun
Board Chair/CEO
Fountain of Life Foundation